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What is the most accurate way of building a Perceptron using only NumPy?

For context, I am trying to write a bunch of neural network programs using no other packages besides NumPy for educational purposes. I am trying to make them as simple as possible, i.e. removing the ...
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Why are today's neural networks not modeled with probability theory?

In the paper The Perceptron: A probabilistic model for information storage and organization in the brain, Rosenblatt used the probability theory to model his perceptron. My professor told me that ...
Collo's user avatar
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Did the unsolved XOR problem in "Perceptrons: An Introduction to Computational Geometry" 1969 book really cause the winter of the AI in 1974?

Winter of AI definition: periods of reduced funding and interest in artificial intelligence research, due to unmet expectations after a period of hype. There have been at least two major AI winters ...
rubengavidia0x's user avatar
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Why did the developement of neural networks stop between 50s and 80s?

In a video lecture on the development of neural networks and the history of deep learning (you can start from minute 13), the lecturer (Yann LeCunn) said that the development of neural networks ...
Daviiid's user avatar
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Did Minsky and Papert know that multi-layer perceptrons could solve XOR?

In their famous book entitled Perceptrons: An Introduction to Computational Geometry, Minsky and Papert show that a perceptron can't solve the XOR problem. This contributed to the first AI winter, ...
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