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Questions tagged [stride]

For questions related to the concept of stride in the context of convolutional neural networks and the convolution operation.

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2 votes
1 answer

Is down-sampling the only purpose of using stride?

Stride is used in at least two operations: convolution and pooling. Both operations can be viewed as applying a kernel function on input using a kernel (filter). Stride determines the amount of "...
hanugm's user avatar
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What is the stride information of an image referring here?

In convolutional neural networks, the convolution and pooling operations have a parameter known as stride, which decides the amount of jump the kernel needs to do on the input image. You can get more ...
hanugm's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the fundamental difference between max pooling and adaptive max pooling used in PyTorch

PyTorch provides max pooling and adaptive max pooling. Both, max pooling and adaptive max pooling, is defined in three dimensions: 1d, 2d and 3d. For simplicity, I am discussing about 1d in this ...
hanugm's user avatar
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2 answers

Is the stride applied both in the horizontal and vertical directions in convolutional neural networks?

In the convolutional layer for CNNs, when you specify the stride of a filter, typical notes show some examples of this but only for the horizontal panning. Is this same stride applied for the vertical ...
anonuser01's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Do all filters of the same convolutional layer need to have the same dimensions and stride?

In Convolutional Neural Networks, do all filters of the same convolutional layer need to have the same dimensions and stride? If they don't, then it would seem the channel produced by each filter ...
David's user avatar
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1 answer

Is my understanding of how the convolution with stride 2 works in this example correct?

I'm currently reading this explanation of convolutional neural networks and there's a part around strides that I don't quite understand. I'm just starting with this, so I apologize if this is a really ...
TommyBs's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the meaning of a 2D stride?

I know what meaning stride has when it is just an integer number (by which step you should apply a filter to the image). But about (1, 1) or even more dimensional ...
Kenenbek Arzymatov's user avatar