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Questions tagged [text-summarization]

For questions related to (automatic) text summarization, which is the task of producing a concise and fluent summary of a text or document while preserving key information content and the overall meaning of the original document. For example, search engines are an example of an application that generates summaries as the previews of the documents or websites.

5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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5 votes
4 answers

Use Machine/Deep Learning to Guess a String

I want to be able to input a block of text and then have it guess a string within a predefined range (i.e. a string that starts with three letters and ends with five numbers like "XXX12345", etc). ...
TreHoffman's user avatar
2 votes
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Any software to guess idea flow (basic ideas/statements and their derivations) throughout text?

Is there any existing software which analyzes idea flow in the text (or between different texts, e.g scientific articles) and for example visualizes it with some graph?
Ivan Lazarevsky's user avatar
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What are the best techniques to perform text simplification?

I'm evaluating the state of the art techniques to translate legal text to simple text, what are the best approaches for a non-English language (Portuguese)?
Miguel Carvalhais Matos's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I use GPT-2 to modify seed text of one form into a different form (LENGTH INVARIANT) whilst retaining meaning?

I am currently starting a research project whereby I am trying to convert text of one form into another. i.e. If I were to write a seed sentance of the form "Scientists have finally achieved the ...
Colleen Larsen's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I generate keywords associated with a website given its URL?

I have a column with links to websites and another column with keywords from those websites. I have to find a map between these two, such that for a new input, which is a website's URL, I can generate ...
amrta's user avatar
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