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What is the meaning of the square brackets in ant colony optimization?

The square brackets $[]$ in $[\tau_{ij}]^\alpha$ and $[\eta_{ij}]^\beta$ may be just a way of emphasing that the elements $\tau_{ij} \in \mathbb{R}$ and $\eta_{ij} \in \mathbb{R}$ of respectively the ...
nbro's user avatar
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What is the difference between artificial intelligence and swarm intelligence?

Swarm intelligence (SI) is a sub-field of or an approach to artificial intelligence (AI), where you have multiple individuals (for example, artificial ants), which collectively can produce what we (or ...
nbro's user avatar
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Why can't I reproduce the experiments in the original paper that introduced the Firefly Algorithm?

I wrote some python code to reproduce this paper's purported results. My code very efficiently optimizes simple smooth functions like bowls, but does not come close to reproducing the paper's claimed ...
John Doucette's user avatar
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What is the difference between artificial intelligence and swarm intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence, as its name suggests, is intelligence made by humans. It's usually thought of as having human-like behaviors and characteristics. However, it doesn't have to resemble humans ...
ChocolateOverflow's user avatar
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What is the difference between artificial intelligence and swarm intelligence?

Well, one of the simpler definitions for SI sounds like this: The emergent collective intelligence of groups of simple agents.” (Bonabeau et al, 1999) So, in ...
Igor 's user avatar
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What is the difference between the ant system and the max-min ant system?

Let's start by making clear that both AS and MMAS use only global pheromone update. Now, the MMAS has two main differences regarding AS: In AS, all ants that completed a solution are used for the ...
djbetancourt's user avatar
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What are the applications of ant colony optimization algorithms?

The first ant colony optimisation algorithm was introduced by Marco Dorigo in the report Positive Feedback as a Search Strategy (1991) and his PhD thesis Optimization, Learning and Natural Algorithms (...
nbro's user avatar
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1 vote

Which algorithms, between ant colony or classical routing algorithms, have a better time complexity for the shortest path problem?

No. In general, you can't find a tight bound for evolutionary algorithms, and it is one of the main difference of these algorithms with the classical algorithms. You should notice that it does not ...
OmG's user avatar
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What is the difference between continuous domains and discrete combinatorial optimization?

A continous domain can be imagined as a space in which the axes of the coordinate systems are the parameters of the continous domain. If we take 2D Cartesian space as an example, it is a continous ...
50k4's user avatar
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What types of applications qualify as "compound intelligences"?

Swarm intelligence, compound intelligence, or group intelligence may emerge as an important concept as AI develops toward higher complexity. Whether these terms should be considered synonymous is ...
Douglas Daseeco's user avatar
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What types of applications qualify as "compound intelligences"?

I did work on compound intelligence because that is the direction that Google is trying to go. I couldn't find any basis for it. In other words, having a collection of AI expert systems does not seem ...
scientious's user avatar
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How can I benchmark an application of ant colony optimization?

The biggest issue here may be similarity to prior work. As for the benchmarks, benchmarks are a common means for comparing algorithms. What it means here would be to compare the end-result (your ...
N E Techno Tech Blog's user avatar
1 vote

How can I benchmark an application of ant colony optimization?

I would assume that in this case, they are asking you to compare the performance of your particular algorithm to other similar algorithms used in pathfinding. For example, A*
hisairnessag3's user avatar
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Would a general-purpose AI need to collaborate?

In my answer, I have often switched between AGI and ASI for reference. This is fine as an AGI will reach ASI as it is optimizing itself and learning. I think it is not only important by necessary that ...
Ugnes's user avatar
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