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Denoise autoencoder not training properly [closed]

I'm trying to make a denoise autoencoder wherein the encoder part is vgg16 and decoder is opposite of vgg16(encoder) network. My dataset consists of 5K images in grayscale. Now while training, the ...
arizona_3's user avatar
1 vote
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How much data do we need for making a successful de-noising auto-encoder?

Is there a guide how much data do you need for making successful denoising model using autoencoders? Or the rule is, the more data, the better it is? I tried with small dataset 350 samples, to see ...
Vesko Vujovic's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How can I have the same input and output shape in an auto-encoder?

I'm building a denoising autoencoder. I want to have the same input and output shape image. This is my architecture: ...
Vesko Vujovic's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to add a dense layer after a 2d convolutional layer in a convolutional autoencoder?

I am trying to implement a convolutional autoencoder with a dense layer at the bottleneck to do some dimensional reduction. I have seen two approaches for this, which aren't particularly scalable. The ...
Pavan Inguva's user avatar