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What kind of reinforcement learning method does AlphaGo Deepmind use to beat the best human Go player?

In reinforcement learning, there are model-based versus model-free methods. Within model-based ones, there are policy-based and value-based methods. AlphaGo Deepmind RL model has beaten the best Go ...
user781486's user avatar
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How does recurrent neural network implement model based RL system purely in its activation dynamics (in blackbox meta-rl setting)?

I have read these papers "learning to reinforcement learn" and "PFC as meta RL system". The authors claim that when RNN is trained on multiple tasks from a task distribution using ...
veerendra's user avatar
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Reinforcement learning - confusion between model based and model free

I have have an environment with two models. Model of the environment is stochastic. Given the price it returns the time when the next purchase will be made and how many items will be bought. Both of ...
Evangelista01's user avatar
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How to evaluate the performance of off-line & model-free reinforcement leaning?

I'm currently studying on off-line reinforcement learning (RL) and trying to utilize it for medical data. Because it seemed hard to develop well-performing environment model, I decided to adopt model-...
Maverick's user avatar
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Why does one-step TD strengthen only the last action of the sequence of actions that led to the high reward, while n-step TD the last n actions?

In the caption of figure 7.4 (p. 147) of Sutton & Barto's book (2nd edition), it's written The one-step method strengthens only the last action of the sequence of actions that led to the high ...
user529295's user avatar
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How does n-step Temporal Difference remove the notion of time-step?

How does n-step TD removes the notion of time-step as referenced in Sutton and Barto (2nd edition, Page 163) below? Another way of looking at the benefits of n-step methods is that they free you from ...
user529295's user avatar