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What roles knowledge bases play now and will play in the future?

First of all, I would like to point out the main differences between knowledge base and (Deep) machine learning, specially when the main focus is on "AI" not "Data Science": NNs are like a black box; ...
Alireza's user avatar
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What roles knowledge bases play now and will play in the future?

Although asked over 3 years ago, the question is still interesting and while I agree with the original answer, a lot can be added to it. First, I'd like to point out that the term "knowledge base&...
Len Yabloko's user avatar
2 votes

What is the difference between a semantic network and an ontology?

A semantic network is a way to implement an ontology. An ontology is just a generalised way of representing knowledge in a particular domain, and there are multiple ways of doing so. The key that ...
Oliver Mason's user avatar
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When is a knowledge base consistent?

I will first recapitulate the key concepts which you need to know in order to understand the answer to your question (which will be very simple, because I will just try to clarify what is given as a &...
nbro's user avatar
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2 votes

What are the differences between a knowledge base and a knowledge graph?

What is a knowledge graph? Appendix A.3 "Knowledge Graphs": 2012 Onwards of the survey Knowledge Graphs (which is probably the most extensive survey on KGs) states that knowledge graphs have ...
nbro's user avatar
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Does ChatGPT imply that the direction of knowledge graph is unpromising?

A couple of days ago, Jordi Torras from Inbenta posted that chatGPT fails at classifying a particular integer as prime, while their chatbot nails it. But the goal of a chatbot is no way factoring ...
Jaume Oliver Lafont's user avatar
1 vote

Knowledge graph progress from 2012 to 2022?

This 2021 survey of Knowledge Graphs depicts a similar chart (appendix A), with the same 2012 final milestone. That said, a major advancement is the use deep learning to encode the knowledge graph, to ...
Rexcirus's user avatar
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What are the differences between a knowledge base and a knowledge graph?

Based on the related Wikipedia, a knowledge base (KB) is: a technology used to store complex structured and unstructured information used by a computer system. The initial use of the term was in ...
OmG's user avatar
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What roles knowledge bases play now and will play in the future?

It seems that Automated Knowledge Base Construction would be unfavorable. As Matt Gardner noted in NLP Highlights in 2019 that: Um, but I know that Google, for instance, canceled their knowledge base ...
Lerner Zhang's user avatar

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