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5 votes

Will computers be able to understand user emotions?

Will computers be able to understand user emotions? The term Understand is multidimensional, so characterizing the degree of understanding — emotional or otherwise — is a slippery task. ...
Douglas Daseeco's user avatar
4 votes

Will automata love?

It's a poorly stated question because these are at least three, possibly four different questions that are quite independent from each other. First, let's take the questions from the text. ...
SF.'s user avatar
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2 votes

AI with conflicting objectives?

MOEAs sounds very cool, but I feel that you can't really talk about conflict in AI without discussing generative adversarial networks (GANs), which have been shown to have amazing performance by ...
Michael Hearn's user avatar
2 votes

AI with conflicting objectives?

There are multi-objective optimization problems, where the objective functions may be in conflict with each other, which can potentially have multiple Pareto-optimal solutions. The paper Multi-...
nbro's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there any research on the identification of a person's feelings using features such as facial expressions or body temperature?

Yes, there is research on this topic. The field that studies it is known as affective computing (AC). Emotion recognition seems to be a specific problem in affective computing, i.e. the recognition of ...
nbro's user avatar
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1 vote

Will computers be able to understand user emotions?

I was an Undergraduate Research Scholar - I and my team developed an algorithm to detect Human Emotions from touch Screen - which is under further improvement and development by PHD scholors of my ...
Divyanshu Jimmy's user avatar
1 vote

Will automata love?

This is a game theory question, and involves the intersection of game theory and ethics. First, it's helpful to define love in functional sense as altruism. (This is consistent with the function ...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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