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Questions tagged [ai-basics]

Use for basic, fundamental questions about AI theory or practice. (i.e. design, application, implementation, mathematics of AI, philosophy of AI, etc.)

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How are the weights connected in a neural network?

Recently I was giving an interview and while I was explaining how an auto encoder works, the interviewer asked me "how did you connect the weights in the network?" I wasn't sure of the ...
ananya's user avatar
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Realizability Assumption: Why is that for every ERM hypothesis $L_{S}(h_{S})=0$

I'm quoting Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms, Cambridge University Press, 2014: Definition 2.1 (The Realizability Assumption). There exists $h^{\star} \in \mathcal{H}$ s.t. $...
Tran Khanh's user avatar
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Confusion about bias in McCulloch-Pitts neurons

I just have a quick question, maybe I am too nit picky here. We recently had an introductory lecture to AI in university and the professor talked about McCulloch-Pitts neurons, e.g. activation as soon ...
DerOeko's user avatar
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Can YOLOv3 architecture be clearly separated into feature extractor and classifier parts?

I am new to machine learning and am confused about whether its architecture has clearly defined boundaries which demarcate the feature extraction and classification part. Or is it that it classifies ...
CodeExplorer23's user avatar
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For a task that searches for an image artifact within a picture, can existing tools can be used or do I need to design the process myself?

I am familiar only with basic AI/NN concepts but never worked with any libraries/tools as tensor flow. Currently, I have a task for which AI might be ideal: detection of a certain image artifact in a ...
John V's user avatar
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Which AI algorithm to use for identifying API for a specific use from a list of APIs?

We have a legacy code solution in C#. We have to change the code so that it fetches internal data via APIs and not via DB calls. E.g. if the current code GETS Payment object from DB, we have to ...
Jatin's user avatar
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Appropriate ML algorithm to solve a cutting pattern problem

I have a rectangular area, where I need to place some 2 dimensional geometrical shapes - like a square or circle or a little more complicated shapes. And after the arrangement these shapes should be ...
tueftla's user avatar
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Why don't we use this intialization with SGD rather than random?

Suppose I have a loss function as a polynomial with its variables being the weights of a network I wish to tune. Now, we want to find the minima of the loss function - so basically ...
neel g's user avatar
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Predict time series from initial non-time dependant parameters

I'm trying to create an algorithm (neural network) that is able to predict a time series from a set of different parameters that are not given through time. Let's say I have a plane flying under the ...
Miguel21R's user avatar
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AI approach for layout mapping

I am researching different AI approaches and was curious what approach would be useful in my scenario. Assume you are tiling a room. The tiles, and the room itself, can be any shape. In this room you ...
user3010406's user avatar
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2 answers

How are non-linear surfaces formed in the training of a neural network? [closed]

Desperate trying to understand something for couple of weeks. All those questions are actually one big question.Please help me. Time-codes and screens in my question refer to this great(IMHO) 3d ...
Igor's user avatar
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Is there has any method to train Tensorflow AI/ML that I focus on detecting background of image more than common objects? [closed]

Is there has any method to train Tensorflow AI/ML that I focus on detecting background of image more than common objects? I'm newbie to ML field, but was assigned to do job that make an application ...
Natta Wang's user avatar
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How does one make it obvious that the structure of a neural network should be what it is?

I am a beginner: I've only read a book about neural network and barely implemented one in C. In short: A neural network is built out of nodes, Each node holds an output: ...
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Can machine learning help me digest asymmetrical order descriptions?

I have order data, here's a sample: ...
lewicki's user avatar
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Approach for data transformation needed

I am looking for an algorithm to transform an input data to a goal data using a series of operations. The shorter the series the better. The following is known: the input data the goal data input ...
Viatorus's user avatar
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How to find the subject in a text? [closed]

I often develop bots and I need to understand what some people are saying. Examples: - I want an apple - I want an a p p l e How do I find the object (apple)? I honestly don't know where to start ...
Matheus Freitas's user avatar
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Data extraction from medical reports

I am new in Machine Learning. I have taken a course in vision and we are required to do a project. I am thinking of data mining medical lab report images. My code must take an image and jpg file ...
Plasmatiger's user avatar