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Questions tagged [combinatorial-games]

Use for games commonly understood as combinatorial (Chess, Checkers, Go, Tic-Tac-Toe, Hex, Domineering, NIM, etc.) or for any games studied for the purpose of **solving** the game. *(Initially reserved for non-chance games of perfect information, the scope of Combinatorial Game Theory expands as mathematics and computability advance. Thus, game involving randomness and hidden information, such as Poker, may be considered combinatorial games.)*

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0 answers

Why does alphago only go to 19 numbers and 19 alphabet letter and not 26 numbers and 26 alphabet letters? Alphago max version?

I was just looking at alpha go videos on youtube that google deep mind sent me and was wondering on the versioning board and it reminded me of a more advanced version of chess game on windows ...
John Patrick Oldfield's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What is the significance of move 37? (to a non go player)

I have seen (and googled) information for Game 2, Move 37 in the AlphaGo vs. Lee Sedol match However it is difficult to find information concerning this move that doesn't rely on an understanding of ...
Michael B's user avatar
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3 votes
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What are some strong algorithms for Perfect Information, Deterministic Multiplayer Games?

I have a series of games with the following properties: 3 or more players, but purely non-cooperative (i.e., no coalition forming); sequential moves; perfect information; deterministic state ...
MikeRand's user avatar
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Hierarchical reinforcement learning for combinatorial complexity

I want to try a hierarchical reinforcement learning (HRL) approach to hard logical problems with combinatorial complexity, i.e. games like chess or Rubik's cube. The majority of HRL papers I have ...
Tomasz Odrzygozdz's user avatar
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q learning appears to converge but does not always win against random tic tac toe player

q learning is defined as: Here is my implementation of q learning of the tic tac toe problem: ...
blue-sky's user avatar
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Can an artificial intelligence be unbeatable at simple games?

There are (two-players, perfect information) combinatorial games for which, at any configuration of the game, a winning move (if there is one) can be quickly computed by a short program. This is the ...
Mathieu Mari's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How to calculate the optimal placements for settlements in Catan without an ML algorithm?

Is it possible to calculate the best possible placements for settlements in Catan without using an ML algorithm? While it is trivial to simply add up the numbers surrounding the settlement (highest ...
acj11507's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I solve the problem of positioning 11 pieces into a 8x8 puzzle?

I was trying to figure out how to create a solver to the puzzle of putting 11 pieces in a board (8 x 8). I created the game in It is possible to turn the piece 90 ...
Nizam's user avatar
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Why isn't my Q-Learning agent able to play tic-tac-toe?

I tried to build a Q-learning agent which you can play tic tac toe against after training. Unfortunately, the agent performs pretty poorly. He tries to win but does not try to make me 'not winning' ...
SHA256man's user avatar
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How to encode Azul game state as NN input

Question to NN practicioners. I'd like to encode Azul board game state as an input to NN, let's focus on 2-player variant for a while. There are 5 round "Factories" on the table (7 on picture, ignore ...
tomash's user avatar
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1 answer

Historical weakness of GOFAI in relation to partisan combinatorial games?

I was recently perusing the paper Some Studies in Machine Learning Using the Game of Checkers II--Recent Progress (A.L. Samuel, 1967), which is interesting historically. I was looking at this figure, ...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Which algorithms can we use on games with high branching factors (e.g. Connect6)?

Connect6 is an example of a game with a very high branching factor. It is about 45 thousand, dwarfing even the impressive Go. Which algorithms can we use on games with such high branching factors? I ...
Christopher King's user avatar
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3 answers

How can a neural network learn to play sudoku?

I'm just beginning to understand neural networks and I've performed a couple of successful tests with numerical series where the NN was trained to find the odd one or a missing value. It all works ...
Felix Gehring's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

What else can boost iterative deepening with alpha-beta pruning?

I read about minimax, then alpha-beta pruning, and then about iterative deepening. Iterative deepening coupled with alpha-beta pruning proves to quite efficient as compared to alpha-beta alone. I have ...
Suhail Gupta's user avatar
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How would you encode your input vector/matrix from a sequence of moves in game like tasks to train an AI? e.g. Chess AI?

I've seen data sets for classification / regressions tasks in domains such as credit default detection, object identification in an image, stock price prediction etc. All of these data sets could ...
ZYH's user avatar
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Mini (local) NN for Mobile?

I'm working on architecture for a game AI where, due to the nature of the game, the classical approach seems likely be sufficient to beat most humans--the endgame is tractable and traditional game-...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How do I create an AI for a two-players board game?

Goal I want to create an artificial intelligence to compete against other players in a board game. Game explanation I have a board game similar to 'snakes and ladders'. You have to get to a final ...
po0l's user avatar
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5 answers

Can an AI learn how to play chess without instructions?

Can an AI learn to play chess if you give it nothing but "the goal is to win" as starting criteria? If not, what is the minimum information the AI would need to be "seeded" with in order to learn to ...
TheAutomaton's user avatar
4 votes
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Is this a good way to represent Connect 4 to a Neural Network?

I'm attempting to make a bot for the Connect 4 competition on My bot isn't horrible, like it's getting up the ladder, but it cannot compete with the winning bots. I'm using a ...
NeomerArcana's user avatar
1 vote
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How to design a good evaluation function for a go-like game?

I am trying to find a good evaluation function for a game with: A 7x7 tile board 2 players, given an equal number(>=3 currently undetermined) of stones placed randomly on the tiles A turn is ...
Nae's user avatar
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2 answers

Trading off "Memory" vs "Optimization"

I've been researching the following topic. Or rather, I would like to but I can't find anything because I'm not sure what to look for. I am interested weather there are some concepts or models that ...
hh32's user avatar
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2 answers

In this implementation of the Information Set Monte Carlo Tree Search, why can't the players see the cards of each other?

After reading this paper about Monte Carlo methods for imperfect information games with elements of uncertainty, I couldn't understand the application of the determinization step in the author's ...
tamirok's user avatar
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