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4 votes
2 answers

What are the differences between seq2seq and encoder-decoder architectures?

I've read many tutorials online that use both words interchangeably. When I search and find that they are the same, why not just use one word since they have the same definition?
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What are all the possible usages of 'multilayer perceptron'?

The term 'multilayer perceptron' has been used in literature in various ways in the literature. I am presenting some of them below As a feed-forward neural network [1]. As a fully connected feed-...
hanugm's user avatar
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Is my understanding on "smooth approximation" correct?

Consider the following details regarding Softplus activation function $$\text{Softplus}(x) = \dfrac{\log(1+e^{\beta x})}{\beta}$$ SoftPlus is a smooth approximation to the ReLU function and can be ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Can AI be understood as a generalized statistics tool? [duplicate]

I am a (soon-to-become, to be honest) theoretical physicist. I want to learn a bit about AI. So as you know in physics we develop theories based on as few and as simple basic equations as possible ...
Max H. Balsmeier's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

What is the fundamental difference between an ML model and a function?

A model can be roughly defined as any design that is able to solve an ML task. Examples of models are the neural network, decision tree, Markov network, etc. A function can be defined as a set of ...
hanugm's user avatar
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What is the return-to-go in reinforcement learning?

In reinforcement learning, the return is defined as some function of the rewards. For example, you can have the discounted return, where you multiply the rewards received at later time steps by ...
nbro's user avatar
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What is the difference between parametric and non-parametric models?

A model can be classified as parametric or non-parametric. How are models classified as parametric and non-parametric models? What is the difference between the two approaches?
Legend's user avatar
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What is eager learning and lazy learning?

What is the difference between eager learning and lazy learning? How does eager learning or lazy learning help me build a neural network system? And how can I use it for any target function?
mogoja's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the difference between artificial neural networks and deep learning?

I have read many mixed definitions around these two terms. For example, is it right to say deep learning is any ANN with more than two hidden layers? What are formal definitions for these two?
pedrum's user avatar
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What is the difference between the definition of a stationary policy in reinforcement learning and contextual bandit?

A stationary policy is a function that maps a state to a probability distribution of actions. In a contextual bandit problem, a state itself does not include the history. But in a reinforcement ...
Hunnam 's user avatar
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1 answer

What is an identity recurrent neural network?

What is an identity recurrent neural network (IRNN)? What is the difference between an IRNN and RNN?
nbro's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the difference between Sentiment Analysis and Emotion Recognition?

I found Sentiment Analysis and Emotion Recognition as two different categories on Should both be the same as my understanding? If not what's the difference?
ashenoy's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

What is a recurrent neural network?

Surprisingly, this wasn't asked before - at least I didn't find anything besides some vaguely related questions. So, what is a recurrent neural network, and what are their advantages over regular (or ...
olinarr's user avatar
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When is content-based more appropriate than collaborative filtering?

I know the difference between content-based and collaborative filtering approach in recommender systems. I also know some of the articles said collaborative filtering have some advantages than content-...
malioboro's user avatar
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9 votes
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What is the difference between search and planning?

I'm reading the book Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig). However, I don't understand the difference between search and planning. I was more confused when I ...
theantomc's user avatar
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What is the definition of "soft label" and "hard label"?

In semi-supervised learning, there are hard labels and soft labels. Could someone tell me the meaning and definition of the two things?
ellie's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between artificial intelligence and computational intelligence?

Having analyzed and reviewed a certain amount of articles and questions, apparently, the expression computational intelligence (CI) is not used consistently and it is still unclear the relationship ...
quintumnia's user avatar
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19 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between tree search and graph search?

I have read various answers to this question at different places, but I am still missing something. What I have understood is that a graph search holds a closed list, with all expanded nodes, so ...
xava's user avatar
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43 votes
5 answers

What is the difference between a convolutional neural network and a regular neural network?

I've seen these terms thrown around this site a lot, specifically in the tags convolutional-neural-networks and neural-networks. I know that a neural network is a system based loosely on the human ...
Mithical's user avatar
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What is the difference between local search and global search algorithms?

What is the difference between local search and global (or complete) search algorithms?
Jayani Sumudini's user avatar
12 votes
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What are hyper-heuristics, and how are they different from meta-heuristics?

I wanted to know what the differences between hyper-heuristics and meta-heuristics are, and what their main applications are. Which problems are suited to be solved by hyper-heuristics?
bmwalide's user avatar
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What is the difference between abstract, autonomous and virtual intelligent agents?

On Wikipedia, we can read about different type of intelligent agents: abstract intelligent agents (AIA), autonomous intelligent agents, virtual intelligent agent (IVA), which I've found on other ...
kenorb's user avatar
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50 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between strong-AI and weak-AI?

I've heard the terms strong-AI and weak-AI used. Are these well defined terms or subjective ones? How are they generally defined?
WilliamKF's user avatar
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