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Can a ML model learn the hyperparameters landscape?

(I assume that this is not possible because I've never seen anyone talk about this.) Let's take a classic MLP (named f) that, for example classify some images (from ...
Arthur Delannoy's user avatar
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Looking for a way to train a model to learn optimal parameters/hyperparameters of clustering

I have 5000 docs, each is a review. For each review, i'm plotting the sentences in a semantic dimension. Now, I'm applying clustering to these points for each review. The success of my model depends ...
Prithvi's user avatar
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Patterns binary classification - model doesn't overfit

I am working on a very basic binary classification problem. For each set of four float numbers $(x,y,z,w)$, I want to check if they fall or not into one category. I have written a model with 3 dense ...
apt45's user avatar
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How to approach a toy classification problem using a neural network?

The toy problem: 50 unique numbers are randomly selected from number 0 to 99. If number 1 appears in the selection but number 2 doesn't, the selection is labelled as "1". If number 2 ...
Yang's user avatar
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Do different architectures really make a difference or is it just a matter of the training process?

I was wondering which influence different architectures for deep learning truly have on the performance. Of course, substantial changes in the paradigms we use when building neural networks (such as ...
convaldo's user avatar
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Are there any guidelines on picking hyperparameters for Deep Reinforcement Learning?

I am trying to learn machine learning from Andrew NG's Machine learning specialization on Coursera. In the chapter about reinforcement learning Andrew NG said that if you do not select correct ...
EmperorAurelian's user avatar
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What should I do if my validation score is good, but my test score is bad?

I've trained my artificial neural network, and, as per standard practice, I've picked out the one neural network throughout training that did the best on my validation dataset. That is, the neural ...
Pro Q's user avatar
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1 answer

Why should data batches in a neural network have an equal size?

Why should data batches in a neural network have an equal size? I have seen some recent research works on making the batch size dynamic, but still, I can't find an answer to my question.
Minions's user avatar
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What can I infer if my model is converging extremely fast?

I am running a model with fixed hyperparameters. To my surprise/shock, the model converged extremely fast with the least loss possible. I want to know the causes of this phenomenon. I have the ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Is there any relationship between the batch size and the number of epochs?

I am currently running a program with a batch size of 17 instead of batch size 32. The benchmark results are obtained at a batch size of 32 with the number of epochs 700. Now I am running with batch ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Why is the input layer of a neural network usually not counted?

I came across the following statement from the caption of figure 7.8 from the textbook Neural Networks and Neural Language Models the input layer is usually not counted when enumerating layers Why ...
hanugm's user avatar
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What is the most statistically acceptable method for tuning neural network hyperparameters on very small datasets?

Neural networks are usually evaluated by dividing a dataset into three splits: training, validation, and test The idea is that critical hyperparameters of the network such as the number of epochs ...
Mike NZ's user avatar
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How does noise input size affect fake image generation with GANs?

In Generative Adversarial Networks, the Generator takes noise vector as input and feeds it forward to create an image. The noise vector consists of random numbers sampled from the normal distribution. ...
mark mark's user avatar
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Should the range and initial values of weights and biases be adjusted to fit input and output data?

As a routine (in typical everyday tasks) of a data scientist, should they usually decide about weights and biases range and initial values as a function of which data they are planning to insert as ...
Igor's user avatar
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Why one unit in the layers of neural network is not enough?

In a deep connected network, when every unit gets all the input features(X) so it has one parameter for every feature and every unit tweaks its parameters for loss optimization. What if we use only ...
Hitesh Somani's user avatar
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How are training hyperparameters determined for large models?

When training a relatively small DL model, which takes several hours to train, I typically start with some starting points from literature and then use a trial-and-error or grid-search approach to ...
Kao's user avatar
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Why does every neuron in hidden layers of a multi-layer perceptron typically have the same activation function? [duplicate]

Why does every neuron in a hidden layer of a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) typically have the same activation function as every other neuron in the same or other hidden layers (so I exclude the output ...
user8714896's user avatar
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How to know if the hyperparameters of a neural network relate to each other?

According this thread some hyperparameters are independent from each other while some are directly related. One of the answers give an example where two hyperparameters affect each other. For ...
Marcus's user avatar
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Why is the number of neurons used in various neural networks power of 2?

I have noticed that almost all tutorials take the number of neurons as a power of 2. Is there any proper mathematical and well-proven reason for that? If you sometimes change it to some other odd ...
neel g's user avatar
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Which hyper-parameters are considered in neural architecture search?

I want to understand automatic Neural Architecture Search (NAS). I read already multiple papers, but I cannot figure out what the actual search space of NAS is / how are classical hyper-parameters ...
cocojambo's user avatar
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When using Neural Architecture Search, how are the hyper-parameters chosen?

I have read a lot about NAS, but I still do not understand one concept: When setting up a neural network, hyperparameters (such as the learning rate, dropout rate, batch size, filter size, etc.) need ...
cocojambo's user avatar
6 votes
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Is this idea to calculate the required number of hidden neurons for a single hidden layer neural network correct?

I have an idea to find the optimal number of hidden neurons required in a neural network, but I'm not sure how accurate it is. Assuming that it has only 1 hidden layer, it is a classification problem ...
w13rfed's user avatar
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In a neural network, by how much does the number of neurons typically vary from layer to layer?

In a neural network, by how much does the number of neurons typically vary from layer to layer? Note that I am NOT asking how to find the optimal number of neurons per layer. As a hardware design ...
Angela Johnson's user avatar
5 votes
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How do you efficiently choose the hyper-parameters of a neural network?

How do you efficiently choose the hyper-parameters of a neural network (e.g. the learning rate, number of layer, weights, etc.)?
bobbyoiji's user avatar
6 votes
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How should we choose the dimensions of the encoding layer in auto-encoders?

How should we choose the dimensions of the encoding layer in auto-encoders?
Neha soni's user avatar
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Maximum number of neurons in a layer given number of neurons in previous layer

Consider an extremely complicated feed-forward neural network training example but with no need of computational efficiency or limiting of processing time. What is the maximum number of hidden ...
Vikhyat Agarwal's user avatar
24 votes
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How to choose an activation function for the hidden layers?

I choose the activation function for the output layer depending on the output that I need and the properties of the activation function that I know. For example, I choose the sigmoid function when I'm ...
gvgramazio's user avatar
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Why must the momentum factor be in the range 0-1?

Why is it a bad idea to have a momentum factor greater than 1? What are the mathematical motivations/reasons?
Ameba kupiec's user avatar
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How to design a neural network to predict the quadrant where a given point lies?

I've written a single perceptron that can predict whether a point is above or below a straight-line graph, given the correct training data and using a sign activation function. Now, I'm trying to ...
w13rfed's user avatar
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How do I design a neural network that breaks a 5-letter word into its corresponding syllables?

I am going to design a neural network which will be able to break a 5-letter word into its corresponding syllables (hybrid syllables, I mean it will not strictly adhere to grammatical syllable rules ...
Programmer's user avatar
33 votes
4 answers

How to find the optimal number of neurons per layer?

When you're writing your algorithm, how do you know how many neurons you need per single layer? Are there any methods for finding the optimal number of them, or is it a rule of thumb?
kenorb's user avatar
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