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penkovsky's user avatar
penkovsky's user avatar
  • Member for 5 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
3 votes

How Can I Backpropagate My Network with PPO

3 votes

Should I make my environment with gym or gymnasium?

2 votes

To what does the number of hidden layers in a neural network correspond?

2 votes

How do I get started with multi-agent reinforcement learning?

1 vote

What model structure I should use to train on low res and blurry images?

1 vote

Why did the developement of neural networks stop between 50s and 80s?

1 vote

Should I build an environment from scratch myself or it is not always needed?

1 vote

Can I add additional arguments to my custom Gym Environment?

1 vote

RL framework to optimize my custom multi-agent simulator

0 votes

Is feature engineer an important step for a deep learning approach?

0 votes

What is the input to the left most LSTM cell c(t-1) and h(t-1)?

0 votes

Reinforcement learning: Find the fastest solution (minimal number of steps)