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Questions tagged [vision-transformer]

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"meta-llama/Llama-3.2-90B-Vision-Instruct" continually crashing with "torch.OutOfMemoryError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate"

I'm trying to run "meta-llama/Llama-3.2-90B-Vision-Instruct" as a containerized vllm on openshift with a single NVIDIA v100 GPU (with 8 GPUs available). The pod runs, however after about 2 ...
Traiano Welcome's user avatar
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How to adopt Transformers for classifying time series of 2D images irregularly sampled across multiple filters?

I’m working on classifying time series of 2D images observed in multiple filters (or channels), but not at the same time. For example, I have observations in two filters—g-band and r-band—taken at ...
user43280's user avatar
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Insight into architecture details of Vision Llama 3.2

I would like to understand the internals of Meta's new multimodal Vision-Text 3.2 models. Not much I could find in online sources or blogs. The code is available and I'm trying to read it, but my ...
Peter Franek's user avatar
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Should I interleave sin and cosine in sinusoidal positional encoding?

I'm trying to implement a sinusoidal positional encoding. I found two solutions that give different encodings. I am wondering if one of them is wrong or both are correct. I showcase visual figures of ...
Janikas's user avatar
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Llama 3.2 Vision-Instruct Inference Speed on A100 or H100 GPU

Can anyone provide an estimated time of how long does it take for Llama-3.2 Vision-Instruct 11-B model to: process an image size of 1-MB and prompt size of 1000 words and generate a response of 500 ...
Adil's user avatar
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Llama-3.2-3b model finetuning for vqa loss not converging

I am trying to make a video question answering model trained on tgif qa dataset. I am using XCLIP as my video Embedding generator [ sampling 16 frames] and then my decoder is llama 3.2 3b . I am using ...
Manav Kumar Jalan's user avatar
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Getting an error importing SWin transformer using tensorflow in colab

I am trying to load swin transformer from tfhub as follows but on loading the model I get an error. def load_model(): model_url = "
Khuldee's user avatar
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In a vision transformer, are the patch outputs for the last layer unused?

In a vision transformer ( ), it seems like the final MLP head for prediction is attached only to the last layer's [cls] token embedding (Figure 1 and Eqn 4). Does this ...
Sabyasachi Ghosh's user avatar
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Why is the CLIP model sometimes referred to by the name of its image encoder only (e.g., ViT-B/32)?

I've noticed that in some discussions, the CLIP model is referred to by the name of its image encoder only, such as "ViT-B/32." However, CLIP consists of both an image encoder and a text ...
hanugm's user avatar
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3 answers

Vision transformer for image segmentation

I am working with vision transformers (ViT) for the task of image segmentation, but I am unsure of which segmentation head to use. I know I need a vision transformer as my backbone, and a segmentation ...
Alex's user avatar
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Fintuning Time of LoRA

I tried lora (on ViT) and i thought it would reduce the finetuning time, but it is same. is it right?? I checked that the original network's weights are forzen correctly. Then LoRA's advantage is ...
COTHE's user avatar
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Spatial vs spatiotemporal methods for object counting in low frame-rate videos

I'm currently working on an object counting/density estimation task using low frame rate video (~2 fps) in a traffic setting. I've explored a lot of literature on both spatial methods (i.e. using only ...
yuki's user avatar
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can Vision transformers be used to retain the relevant features (drop unrelated features from the clutter in image) and map to the specific query

Background, I have good understanding of ML 101 (supervised, unsupervised, tensorflow etc), however just getting into transformers & gen-AI. I have recently started looking into Transformers/ViT ...
cyborgt8's user avatar
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Can a transformer detect same object with different sizes?

Suppose a vision transformer has trained to detect this cat picture Next we show it another picture of a zoomed-in cat (taken from the same image) and asked it to identify the picture The linearized ...
James's user avatar
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Can the vision transformer solve object permanence?

Suppose a ball is rolling down an incline as follows: In the middle of the path, a curtain blocks the camera view of the ball momentarily. Soon the ball reappears after passing behind the curtain. ...
James's user avatar
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Glass Degradation Video Prediction

We are working on the subject above, where a sequence of $n$ glass frames forms an example with an associate target that is a video of the glass future state. We would like to know if there exists an ...
Filippo Portera's user avatar
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Where U-Net and Convolutional layers are settled in Stable Diffusion model?

When I read about Stable Diffusion model, they usually talk about adjusting convolution layers or U-Net weights. I believe they both should be related together and the U-Net is the part that accepts ...
best_of_man's user avatar
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How to train ViT on smaller datasets?

I know ViTs aren't made for small datasets and low resolution. But have you ever reached traditional CNN accuracy using ViT on CIFAR10/100. I have been playing around with ViT on CIFAR10 and 100. But ...
v1998199904's user avatar
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Can Vision Transformers be used to extract features?

Can Vision Transformers be used to extract features, just like with VGG ? I am interested in using this vision transformer in extracting features ( ...
Ahmed Gamal's user avatar
6 votes
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Which situation will helpful using encoder or decoder or both in transformer model?

I have some questions about using (encoder / decoder / encoder-decoder) transformer models, included (language) transformer or Vision transformer. The overall form of a transformer consists of an ...
Yang's user avatar
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Is it possible for original Vision Transformer (ViT) to do fine-grained semanantic segmentation? if so, how?

As far as I know, in the original ViT, the image is first divided to a fixed size of patch (16x16, for example) then they are flattened and treated as tokens and fed into Transformer. Without using ...
wanburana's user avatar
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How does Position embeddings work in Vision Transformer

I'm a bit confused how the position embedding in happened to each patch in the transformer. I thought Ideally we'd want each patch to have a value of (1, 2, 3, 4....) to describe the position of the ...
a__ys's user avatar
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2 answers

Why does CLIP use a decoder-only transformer for encoding text?

In CLIP [1], the authors train a model to learn multi-modal (text, vision) embeddings by maximizing the cosine similarity between text and image embeddings produced by text and image encoders. For the ...
thesofakillers's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Does the position of the tokens in Vision Transformer matter?

I am reading through the Vision Transformer paper and other related papers, such as DeiT and Visual Prompt Tuning (VPT). I wonder if the position of the tokens that flow through the Transformer encode ...
Minh-Long Luu's user avatar
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What do we mean by the notation $\mathbf{x}_{p} \in \mathbb{R}^{N \times\left(P^{2} \cdot C\right)}$?

I was going through this VIT paper, what will it look like in torch , if we are trying to write this expression.
TheExorcist's user avatar
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What are the specific differences between vision transformers variants?

I have tried 4 different types of attacks on vision transformers (ViT small and tiny, DeiT small and tiny) but the attack successes on smaller versions are higher than the tiny versions. My ...
Craving_gold's user avatar
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How "Patch Merging" works in SWIN-Transformers?

In the SOTA paper: SWIN-Transformers, the authors have tried their best to explain everything clearly. I have got an idea of how it works except the Patch Merging ...
Deshwal's user avatar
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What is the difference between Mean Teacher and Knowledge Distillation?

I recently read two papers: BYOL Bootstrap your own latent: A new approach to self-supervised Learning DINO Emerging Properties in Self-Supervised Vision Transformers. I am confused about the terms ...
Đặng Huy Hoàng's user avatar
5 votes
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Do Vision Transformers handle arbitrary sequence lengths the same way as normal Transformers?

Does ViT do handle arbitrary sequence lengths using masking the same way the normal Transformer does? The ViT paper doesn't mention anything about it, so I assume it uses masking like the normal ...
Dean R's user avatar
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What are the major layers in a Vision Transformer?

Currently, I am studying deepfake detection using deep learning methods. Convolution neural networks, recurrent neural networks, long-short term memory networks, and vision transformers are famous ...
Pawara Siriwardhane's user avatar
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What is the difference between a vision transformer and image-based relational learning?

I am trying to figure out the difference between the architecture used in this and this paper. It looks like both used multi-headed self-attention and therefore should be the same in principle.
desert_ranger's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Why class embedding token is added to the Visual Transformer?

In the famous work on the Visual Transformers, the image is split into patches of a certain size (say 16x16), and these patches are treated as tokens in the NLP tasks. In order to perform ...
spiridon_the_sun_rotator's user avatar
4 votes
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How does the embeddings work in vision transformer from paper?

I get the part from the paper where the image is split into P say 16x16 (smaller images) patches and then you have to ...
Deshwal's user avatar
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