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Questions tagged [heuristics]

In AI, the term "heuristic" is used in the context of non-blind (i.e., informed) search and planning: the problem of finding a sequence of actions to find/generate a desired state from an initial state. Heuristics" are problem relaxations of the original problem. They get as input the current state/search node and output the cost of the relaxed solution from there to goal. This heuristic value is then used for search guidance.

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Are there heuristics that play Klondike Solitaire well?

Are there heuristics that play Klondike Solitaire well? I know there are some good exhaustive search solvers for Klondike Solitaire. The best one that I know of is Solvitaire (2019) which uses DFS, (...
Cohensius's user avatar
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Can the degree and minimum remaining values heuristics be used in conjunction?

I am currently studying constraint satisfaction problems and have come across two heuristics for variable selection. The minimum remaining values(MRV) heuristic and the degree heuristic. The MRV ...
calveeen's user avatar
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How to choose the weights for a linear combination of heuristic functions?

I need to write a minimax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning in limited time for the 2048 game. I know expectimax is better for this work. Assume I wrote different heuristic functions. If I want to ...
Mustafa Tufan's user avatar
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Snake path finding variant : Algorithm choice

I am working on a project which maps to a variant of path finding problem. I am new to this area and I would be very grateful if you could give suggestions/ point to libraries for relevant algorithms. ...
Pranav M's user avatar
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How does heuristic work with multiple agents?

I have a question for heuristic search with multiple agents. I know how heuristic search works with one agent (ex. one Pacman) but I don't really understand it with multiple agents. Let's say we have ...
anthino12's user avatar
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What kind of decision rule algorithm is usable in this situation?

I am trying to write an AI to a game, where there is no real adversary. This means, that only the AI player has choices in which move to perform, his opponent may or may not react to the move the AI ...
Adam Baranyai's user avatar
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How to open up a rigid structure made of connected panels?

By open up I mean slightly open up so that a theoretical structure of panels with no width looks three-dimensional. The original structure being an ideal object where any number several panels can ...
DPM's user avatar
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Knapsack of mixture with constraints

I'm trying to find the optimized mixture for a specific set of substances. Each of those substances have characteristics that I want to optimize in the mixture (some characteristics I want to minimize ...
Bruno Iha's user avatar
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Is N the total number of nodes in the frontier plus the number of nodes in the explored list?

I'm studying fundamentals of AI from the classic Russell-Norvig book (3rd edition). I have a small doubt about the effective branching factor, which is defined as follows (section 3.6.1, p. 103): One ...
Baffo rasta's user avatar
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Determining minimal state representation for maze game

I came across this question set. It asks following question: Let’s revisit our bug friends from assignment 2. To recap, you control one or more insects in a rectangular maze-like environment with ...
Mahesha999's user avatar
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CSP heuristic to simultaneously reduce conflicts and find near optimal assignment

I am trying to design a good heuristic to solve a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP). I think that a possible heuristic to use is $$h_1(\text{state}) = \text{number of conflicts in state}$$ However,...
bobby brown's user avatar
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Approach for data transformation needed

I am looking for an algorithm to transform an input data to a goal data using a series of operations. The shorter the series the better. The following is known: the input data the goal data input ...
Viatorus's user avatar
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Train AI to schedule a league with certain constraints

I need some suggestions on options to look into to train an AI model to schedule sporting events based on certain constraints. Contraints like no back to back games, 2 games per day, 1 per week, keep ...
Mike Flynn's user avatar
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Minimum remaining values heuristic more powerful than degree heuristic

When selecting a new variable to assign a value to in CSP assignment backtracking search, common heuristics include: MRV heuristic: pick the unassigned variable with the fewest remaining values in ...
hegash's user avatar
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What is a good algorithm (and a heuristic) to find the shortest path in a puzzle game?

In a 3D world, there is a Robot, boxes, and switches. The robot's job is to carry boxes (one box at a time) and put them on top of switches to solve the level. All switches must have a box on top for ...
Arcane's user avatar
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What is the theory behind rejecting too good heuristics in search problems?

Currently I have found that there is an article in which a search problem is posed and to solve it a heuristic is proposed which, in essence, is the solution of the problem itself. I seem to remember ...
Angelo's user avatar
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Why is the greedy heuristic admissible and consistent for food at corners problem, but not for food anywhere problem?

UCBerkley has a great Intro to AI course (CS188) where you can practice coding up search algorithms. One of the exercises (question 6), asks to generate a heuristic that will have Pacman find all 4 ...
Nova's user avatar
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Is possible to perform an early goal test with A* using a consistent heuristic?

I have a doubt about A* goal test. As far as I know an early goal test is performed when a node (representing a certain state) is inserted in the frontier or, to conform with AIMA terminology, when is ...
InCrisis's user avatar
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Incorrect node expansion in game board with A* search

I have the following game board below, and we're using A* search to find the optimal path from the agent to the key. There are 8 directions. Up, down, left, right have a cost of 1, and diagonal ...
Manny's user avatar
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Has Tic-Tac-Toe been solved with a single heuristic?

By this I mean a single axiom for placement. (I'm working on a solution that involves positional valuation and vectors, and appears to be solid, but my assumption would be this has been done ...
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