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Predict more elements than the input

I can use any machine learning algorithms (but neural networks are better for me) to resolve this issue: use few elements as input (numerical) to predict more elements as output. In normal regression ...
Cyr's user avatar
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How to Create a Neural Network Model to Generate Dance Movements Based on Music in MMD Format

I am working on a project where I need to create a neural network model to generate dance movements based on music. My goal is to achieve results similar to this video: ...
meow meow's user avatar
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Help With Converting NumPy Function To TensorFlow Ops (graph execution issue)

I'm trying to export my command recognition model for deploymenet on embedded devices, however, I'm facing trouble when trying to encapsulate the preprocessing function into my model, that way, when I ...
Aamar_Alberm3768's user avatar
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Why are the tutorials and built-in datasets giving us examples that simply do not work?

I have built a classical neural network based on IMDB reviews according to the tutorial in one book about AI. 25 000 positive reviews, 25 000 negative reviews. Positive reviews result to "0",...
Jaroslav Tavgen's user avatar
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How do I input multi-channel Numpy array to U-net for semantic segmentation

I had lidar 3D point cloud data from semantckitti. I want to perform Semantic Segmentation on the data using U-Net. I converted the 3d point cloud data into 2D using spherical conversion and saved the ...
Leibniz 24's user avatar
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3 answers

Does transformers' self-attention mechanism process tokens independently, or entire sequence at a time?

About attention: the Query, Key and Value vectors (before the linear transformations) are just the entire sequence, that is being inputted, or just each token? Chat-GPT nor Youtube didn't give me a ...
CyberLight 64's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Why does the number of parameters differ in each layer when each layer is defined the exact same way [closed]

Mohd. Farhan Hassan's user avatar
1 vote
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Can I do incremental learning with different loss function in neural networks?

I have a saved tensorflow neural network model. I was wondering if it's possible to incrementally train the model but with different nt loss function.
SUNITA GUPTA's user avatar
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Patterns binary classification - model doesn't overfit

I am working on a very basic binary classification problem. For each set of four float numbers $(x,y,z,w)$, I want to check if they fall or not into one category. I have written a model with 3 dense ...
apt45's user avatar
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How to convert my test data in the same dimensionality as my train data

I have trained a VAE with jpg images. My latent space dimension has 768 features and when plotting the latent space it looks like this: However, when I use the scikit learn tool LDA (Linear ...
Dude Rar's user avatar
4 votes
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Open-source vocal cloning (speech-to-speech neural style transfer)

I want to program and train a voice cloner, in part to learn about this area of AI, and in part to use as a prototype of audio for testing and getting feedback from early adopters before recording in ...
emonigma's user avatar
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How does the memory augmented neural network work, and how to make a simple implementation?

How does the memory augmented neural network (MANN) work? How can I make a simple MANN with a vanilla neural network especially without a recurrent network?
Eka's user avatar
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What is loss function in Neural Networks?

I've been studying NNs with tensorflow and decided to code a simple NN from scratch to get a better idea on hwo they work. It my understanding that the cost is used in backpropagation, so basically ...
user20170158's user avatar
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what is tfrs.metrics.FactorizedTopK in tensorflow recommenders

from the official documentation link In our training data we have positive (user, movie) pairs. To figure out how good our model is, we need to compare the affinity score that the model calculates ...
Bharathwajan's user avatar
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Why does a neural network struggle to solve this simple problem?

Consider the following problem: Given a vector x of size dim with values between 0 and 1 (exclusive), determine if ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How "exactly" are AI-accelerator chip ASICs built differently than GPUs as GPU seem to lead for many AI workloads on performance

There is a lot of discussion on google search about AI-custom-accelerators (like Intel's Gaudi) and GPUs. Almost all of them say generic things like, a) AI Accelerator chip is for specialized AI ...
Joe Black's user avatar
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How do you display a neural network

I'm new to tensorflow and ML but am progressing slowly. I know how to look at the weights and biases but am still trying to figure out if there is an easy way to display a neural network in the ...
John Doe's user avatar
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Shuffling vs Non-shuffling train/test set yields drastically different results

I am currently working with a very deep NN (200mio. to 350mio. params). My data set is roughly of shape (2mio, 350), i.e. 2mio samples and 350 features. In fact, the features are time series. As input ...
NicFit_88's user avatar
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Why Is There The Term 1/m In Backpropagation

In backpropagation the gradients are used to update the weights using the formula $$w = w - \alpha \frac{dL}{dw}$$ and the loss gradient w.r.t. weights is $$\frac{dL}{dw} = \frac{dL}{dz} \frac{dz}{dw} ...
rkuang25's user avatar
3 votes
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Custom Tensorflow loss function that disincentivizes all black pixels

I'm training a Tensorflow model that receives an image and segments the image into foreground and background. That is, if the input image is w x h x 3, then the ...
Sam Liu's user avatar
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Is the graph considered as overfit?

I have a training dataset of 2000 images and 500 images for validation. I have executed 50 epochs, however I realized that my graph seems to be different as my accuracy is smaller than my loss. I am ...
Joseph's user avatar
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Hand Landmark Detector Not Converging

I'm currently trying to train a custom model with TensorFlow to detect 17 landmarks/keypoints on each of 2 hands shown in an image (fingertips, first knuckles, bottom knuckles, wrist, and palm), for ...
Sam Skinner's user avatar
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Multiple GRU layers to improve a text generation

I am using the model in this colab for Shakespeare like text generation. ...
kiriloff's user avatar
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How to handle random order of inputs and get same output?

I am a beginner with DL. I did some tutorials and I know the basics of TensorFlow. But I have a problem understanding how to construct more advanced NNs. Let's say I have 6 inputs and a list of 500 ...
tech2097's user avatar
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Training a sequential model that can only evaluate after several hundred cycles

I'm attempting to build a neural network to play the card game, Lost Cities. A brief overview of the game: The game involves two players taking turns to play cards on expeditions. Expeditions incur a ...
Justin Becker's user avatar
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Neural Network Regression Experiment Going Wrong

I've been trying to get a simple regression experiment going with a neural network and I would like some help interpreting what is going wrong. My goal is to see what level of regression accuracy I ...
jared-nelsen's user avatar
-1 votes
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Exploration for softmax should be binary or continuous softmax?

Maybe it's silly to ask but for random exploration in an RL for choosing discrete action, that in the neural network last layer softmax will be used, what random samples should we provide? binary like ...
fardis nadimi's user avatar
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Number of parameters in Keras/Tensorflow Dense layers [closed]

I am a bit confused about how the number of parameters are calculated in Dense model for the Kera/Tensorflow. For example, in the figure below I thought that both the statements were the same, but I ...
SJa's user avatar
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Is it possible to use an internal layer's outputs in a loss function?

For a network of the form: Input(10) Dense(200) Dense(100+10) Dense(20) Output() Those +10 outputs are what I want to add to ...
Tobi Akinyemi's user avatar
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Is it possible to use RGB image with decimal values when feeding training data to CNN?

I am working with four grayscale images of float32 data type to perform regression using Keras. Three images are stacked using np.dstack to form a RGB data-set. The ...
Sam's user avatar
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What are possible ways to combat overfitting or improve the test accuracy in my case?

I have asked a question here, and one of the comments suggested that this is a case of severe overfitting. I made a neural network, which uses residual boosting (which is done via a KNN), and I am ...
jr123456jr987654321's user avatar
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How can I model any structure for a neural network?

Hello I am currently doing research on the effect of altering a neural network's structure. Particularly I am investigating what affect would putting a random DAG (directed acyclic graph) in the ...
Rami Hoteit's user avatar
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Can we use Multiple data as Input in a NN for a single Output?

So I am new to NN and I'm trying to go deep and apply it to my subject. I would like to ask: the input of the NN can be 2 or more values for example-> the measurement of a value, distance, and time?...
TheGame's user avatar
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Validation Accuracy remains constant while training VGG?

I posted this question on stackoverflow and got downvoted for unmentioned reason, so I'll repost it here, hoping to get some insights This is the plot This is the code: ...
Sadaf Shafi's user avatar
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Why is no activation function needed for the output layer of a neural network for regression?

I'm a bit confused about the activation function in the output layer of a neural network trained for regression. In most tutorials, the output layer uses "sigmoid" to bring the results back ...
Kokodoko's user avatar
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It is possible to use deep learning to give approximate solutions to NP-hard graph theory problems?

It is possible to use deep learning to give approximate solutions to NP-hard graph theory problems? If we take, for example, the travelling salesman problem (or the dominating set problem). Let's say ...
Jake B.'s user avatar
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How to train a neural network with few weights and biases held constant?

I am a beginner in neural networks. I am building a neural network with 3 layers. The input $X$ has 7 features and the output $Y$ is a real number. In the hidden layer, there are two nodes. The bottom ...
xyztg's user avatar
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If I want to predict two unrelated values given the same sequence of data points, should I have a model with two outputs or two models?

I want to predict two separate y-values (not really logically connected) based on an input sequence of data (values x). Using LSTM cells. Should I train two models separately or should I just increase ...
Jake B.'s user avatar
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Is it possible to transform audio with neural networks to make it sound like 3d sound

so the idea is to feed neural network data like input: mono audio(extracted from existing 3d audio) output: 3d audio after training it should convert mono audio to 3d sound do you think it is possible?...
Alex Myth's user avatar
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Extracting information from RNA sequence

I am relatively new to machine learning, and I am trying to use a deep neural network to extract some information from sequences of RNA. A quick overview of RNA: there is both sequence and structure. ...
gollyzoom's user avatar
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How to recognize sequence of digits in an image

I am learning to program neural networks and others, and I would like to know how I can get the numbers that are in an image, for example, if I pass an image that has 123 written, get with my model ...
John Doe's user avatar
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Why won't my model train with CTC loss?

I am trying to train an LSTM using CTC loss, but the loss does not decrease when I train it. I have created a minimal example of my issue by creating training data where the network simply has to copy ...
Cameron Martin's user avatar
2 votes
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Can TensorFlow, PyTorch, and other mainstream ML frameworks be used for research-grade work in AI?

Many authors of research papers in AI (e.g. arXiv) write their neural networks from the ground-up, using low-level languages like C++ to implement their theories. Can existing open source frameworks ...
Cybernetic's user avatar
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What's the purpose of layers without biases?

I noticed that the TensorFlow library includes a use_bias parameter for the Dense layer, which is set to ...
mark mark's user avatar
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Evaluate model multiple times in loss function? Is this reinforcement learning?

I am interested in models that exhibit behavior. My goal is a model that survives indefinitely on a two dimensional resource landscape. One dimension represents the location (0 to 1) and the second ...
Tristan Kos's user avatar
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Extract features with CNN and pass as sequence to RNN

I read an article about captioning videos and I want to use solution number 4 (extract features with a CNN, pass the sequence to a separate RNN) in my own project. But for me, it seems really strange ...
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How GAN generator produce integer RGB colored picture?

For traditional neural networks, I know that we can't constraint the output to be strict integers. My question is what technique does GANs use to produce integer outputs, that can be then converted to ...
o_yeah's user avatar
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Low accuracy during training for text summarization

I am trying to implement an extractive text summarization model. I am using keras and tensorflow. I have used bert sentence embeddings and the embeddings are fed into an LSTM layer and then to a Dense ...
inquisitive's user avatar
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Understanding the TensorFlow implementation of the policy gradient method

I was trying to understand the implementation of a basic policy gradient (REINFORCE) method using TensorFlow. I think I got almost everything. The only thing that still bothers me is the loss function ...
GMV871's user avatar
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How to improve neural network training against a large data set of points with varying magnitude

I am currently using TensorFlow and have simply been trying to train a neural network directly against a large continuous data set, e.g. $y = [0.014, 1.545, 10.232, 0.948, ...]$ corresponding to ...
Mathews24's user avatar